COVID-19 Service Schedule Notice
Due to the concerns regarding the spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19), we will suspend our in-person services, meetings, rehearsals, and gatherings until we are cleared to fellowship again. We will continue to meet together online using our FaceBook Liberating Word Ministries and other meetings will be available via Zoom Video. or telephone Conference Calls Stay prayerful with us as we navigate these uncharted waters. God gets the Glory in all of this. We will get through together.
Guidelines have been established for our sanctuary return with new norms – wearing masks; social distancing; minimal touching of surfaces; hand sanitization, temperature scans, and minimal movement while in the sanctuary to reduce the spread of the virus. Upon reaching the time of safe reentry, plans will then be posted on this website.
Sunday Services via Liberating Word Ministries Facebook Page
Live! On Facebook Sundays @11:15 Am
Liberating Word Ministries's Service Times
Live on Liberating Word Ministries Facebook page @11:15 AM
On conference calls at 7:15 pm Dial-in 339.207.8333
Liberating Word Ministries
In the midst of the current COVID-19 situation, we stand on God’s Word and continue to fellowship using new ways. Our purpose is still the same…to love the Lord with all of our heart, grow in our relationship with him, and to become his agents of change.
We will get through this together!